(In Memory of Merrill M. Skaggs)
Founded by the late Merrill M. Skaggs, after whom it is now named, this Series is dedicated to publishing outstanding scholarship on the life, writings, influence, and legacy of this acclaimed American writer, whether single-author volumes or essay collections.
Series Editor: Dr. Laura Winters, College of St. Elizabeth, lwinters@cse.edu
- Cheney, Sarah and Ann Mosely. (Editors). Willa Cather and Aestheticism: From Romanticism to Modernism. (2012)
- Kephart, Christine. The Catherian Cathedral: Gothic Cathedral Iconography in Willa Cather’s Fiction (2011)
- Marks, Lucy, and David Porter. Seeking Life Whole: Willa Cather and the Brewsters. (2009)
- Perriman, Wendy K. (Editor). Willa Cather and the Dance: “A Most Satisfying Elegance.” (2009)
- Murphy, John J. and Merrill M. Skaggs (Editors). Willa Cather: New Facts, New Glimpses, Revisions. (2008)
- Urgo, Joseph and Merrill M. Skaggs (Editors). Violence, The Arts, and Willa Cather. (2008)
- Skaggs, Merrill M. (Editor). Willa Cather’s New York: New Essays on Cather in the City. (2000)
- Harvey, Sally Peltier. Redefining the American Dream: The Novels of Willa Cather. (1995)
- Middleton, Jo Ann. Willa Cather’s Modernism: A Study of Style and Technique. (1990)