Series Editor:
Caroline Joan “Kay” S. Picart, M.Phil. (Cantab), Ph.D., J.D., Esquire
Attorney at Law
Adjunct Professor, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) College of Law
Former professor of English and Humanities, Florida State University (FSU)
The series benefits from the advice of an international board of leading scholars.
Advisory Board:
Thomas Beisecker, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Communication Studies,
University of Kansas
President, Advocacy Research Institute, LLC
Former President, American Society of Trial Consultants
Susan Boyd, Ph.D.
Faculty of Human and Social Development
University of Victoria
Victoria, Canada
John Edgar Browning, Ph.D.
Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Jonathan Frauley, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
Department of Criminology
Ottawa, Canada
Steve Greenfield, Ph.D.
Reader in Law
Deputy Head
School of Law
University of Westminster
London, England, U.K.
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol, J.D., LL.M.
Levin, Mabie & Levin Professor of Law
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Michael Hviid Jacobsen, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology,
Director of Studies at the Master’s Program in Humanistic Palliative Care
Research Coordinator for SAGA
Department of Sociology and Social Work
Aalborg University, Denmark
Orit Kamir, Ph.D.
Robert Schuman/Global Governance Programme
Academic head of the Israeli Center for Human Dignity
Jerusalem, Israel
Tayyab Mahmud, Ph.D., J.D.
Professor of Law
Director, Center for Global Justice
Seattle University School of Law
Andrew Majeske, Ph.D.
Department of English
John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)
James R. Martel, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Political Science,
San Francisco State University
Carrie Menkel-Meadow, J.D.
Chancellor’s Professor of Law
(and Political Science)
University of California Irvine School of Law
Peter Robson, Ph.D.
University of Strathclyde,
School of Law,
Glasgow, Scotland, U.K.
Matthew Sorrento, Ph.D.
Rutgers University-Camden,
Film and Journalism, Lecturer
Danaya C. Wright, J.D., Ph.D.
Research Foundation and Clarence
J. TeSelle Professor of Law
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Submissions Guidelines:
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press invites the submission of proposals for books, monographs, or essay collections in the interdisciplinary fields of humanistically-oriented legal scholarship. Possible topics range from scholarship on legal history; legal theory and jurisprudence; law and critical/cultural studies, law and anthropology, law and literature, law and film, law and society, law and the performing arts, law and communication, law and philosophy, and legal hermeneutics.
Proposals Must Include:
- A description of the issue/s you intend to explore and the method/s you will use
- A comparison and contrast with existing books on similar or related topics
- A table of contents and a precis of what each chapter aims to cover
- A description of the book’s target market/s
- The author’s/authors’ or editor’s/editors’ curriculum vitae
- If it is a collection of essays, a compiled and alphabetized list of short biographies of prospective contributors, and a list of three experts in the field capable of assessing the value of the project
The series also welcomes submissions of completed monographs and essay collections; kindly make an inquiry prior to sending over the completed book or collection of essays, together with the author’s curriculum vitae and three suggested experts, if you are the author/authors. If you are an editor/editors of a completed collection of essays, please include a compiled and alphabetized list of short biographies of prospective contributors, together with your curriculum vitae and list of possible experts. Essay collections must be of previously unpublished material. Conference sessions, properly edited and often expanded by calls for papers, into essay collections, are also welcome.
Referees may or may not be from the submitted list of suggested experts. The series benefits from the advice of an international board of leading scholars.
Proposals May be Sent to:
Caroline Joan “Kay” S. Picart, Ph.D., J.D., Esquire
Attorney at Law
601 N. Ashley Drive
Suite 310
Tampa, FL 33602
Email: cjp@fedlawtbr.com
Titles in the series:
Victor Li, Nixon in New York: How Wall Street Helped Richard Nixon Win the White House (2018)
Ted Laros, Literature and the Law in South Africa, 1910–2010: The Long Walk to Artistic Freedom (2017)
Michaela Stockey-Bridge, The Lure of Hope: On the Transnational Surrogacy Trail from Australia to India (2017)
Marouf A. Hasian Jr., Kafkaesque Laws, Nisour Square, and the Trials of the Former Blackwater Guards (2017)
Jacqueline O’Connor, Law and Sexuality in Tennessee Williams’s America (2017)
Caroline Joan “Kay” S. Picart, Law in and As Culture: Intellectual Property, Minority Rights, and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2017)
Peter Robson and Johnny Rodger, The Spaces of Justice: The Architecture of the Scottish Court (2017)
Raymond J. McKoski, Judges in Street Clothes: Acting Ethically Off-the-Bench (2017)
Doran Larson, Witness in the Era of Mass Incarceration: Discovering the Ethical Prison (2017)
H. Lowell Brown, The American Constitutional Tradition: Colonial Charters, Covenants, and Revolutionary State Constitutions, 1578-1780 (2017)
Arua Oko Omaka, The Biafran Humanitarian Crisis, 1967-1970: International Human Rights and Joint Church Aid (2016)
Marouf A. Hasian Jr, Representing Ebola: Culture, Law, and Public Discourse About The 2013 – 2015 West African Ebola Outbreak (2016)
Caroline Joan “Kay” S. Picart, Michael Hviid Jacobson, and Cecil Greek, editors, Framing Law and Crime: An Interdisciplinary Anthology (2016)
Caroline Joan “Kay” S. Picart, Law In and As Culture: Intellectual Property, Minority Rights, and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2016)