Discourse Perspectives on Organizational Communication, by Jolanta Artiz and Robyn C. Walker, 2011. Contributions by Donald L. Anderson; Jolanta Aritz; Francessca Bargiela-Chiappini; Micheal Barrett; Lissa L. Broome; Judi Brownwell; John Conley; Stanely Deetz; Misa Fujio; Loizos Heracleous; Daphne Jameson; Kimberly D. Krawiec; John McClellan; Juan Carlos Palmer-Silveria; Miguel F. Ruiz-Garrido; Torsten Oliver Salge; Kimberlie Stephens; Hiromasa Tanaka; and Gail Fann Thomas.
Digination: Identity, Organization, and Public Life in the Age of Small Digital Devices and Big Digital Domains, by Robert C. MacDougall, 2011.
The Reflective, Facilitative, and Interpretive Practice of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making Lives and Making Meaning, edited by Beth Fisher-Yoshida, Catherine Creede, and Placida Gallegos, 2012. Contributions by Karen Bentley; Linda Blong; Lydia Forsythe; Jeff Hutcheson; Jeff Leinaweaver; Paige Marrs; Darrin S. Murray; Adair Linn Nagata; Kim Pearce; W Barnett Pearce; Jane Peterson; Irene Stein; and Ilene Wasserman.
Roger Waters and Pink Floyd: The Concept Albums, by Phil Rose, 2015.
Communicology: The New Science of Embodied Discourse, edited by Deborah Eicher-Catt and Isaac E. Catt, 2010.
Consuming Politics: Jon Stewart, Branding, and the Youth Vote in America, by Dan Cassino and Yassemin Besen-Cassino, 2009.